
Showing posts with label Film. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Film. Show all posts

Maine seara se deschide Rubik Cafe et Couture!

Esti pasionat de moda? Fie ca esti creator/ designer, model, fotograf si nu in ultimul rand animator al bunului gust, noi te invitam la inaugurarea unei locatii noi, unde, pe langa un magazin cu cele mai noi productii ale designerilor romani, puteti gasi intotdeauna un ambient compus din evenimente dedicate artelor, un loc de intalnire pentru muzica si film, pentru dans si teatru, gastronomie si programe de frumusete. 

 Joi, 16 septembrie 2010, incepand cu ora 19.30, te asteptam la Rubik Cafe et Couture (Principatele Unite, Nr. 19), un loc unde reinventam impreuna culoarea si caldura feminina, un regal al simturilor! 

Rubik Cafe et Couture vorbeste despre colaborarea dintre lumea designerilor, de ce nu, sa ii numim profesori de stil, si a celor interesati de productivitatea primilor. 

Si, pentru a ilustra aceasta comuniune a modei, va aducem creatii semnate de Florin Dobre, Alina Ene, SmilingShoes, CityShop intr-o prezentare pe muzica lui Kosta (AWD House). Rubik Cafe et Cuture! Str. Principatele Unite, Nr. 19 021 3350752

:D Perfect Strangers


THE 23rd EUROPEAN FILM AWARDS:The EFA Selection 2010 It is with great pleasure that the European Film Academy and EFA Productions gGmbH announce the titles of the 46 films on this year’s selection list, the list of films recommended for a nomination for the European Film Awards 2010! With 32 countries represented, the list once again illustrates the great diversity in European cinema. In the 20 countries with the most EFA Members, these members have voted one national film directly into the selection list. To complete the list, a Selection Committee consisting of EFA Board Members and invited experts Gunnar Bergdahl (Sweden), Pierre-Henri Deleau (France), Stefan Kitanov (Bulgaria), Derek Malcolm (UK), and Nikolaj Nikitin (Germany) has included further films. In the coming weeks, the 2,300 members of the European Film Academy will vote for the nominations in the different award categories. The nominations will then be announced on 6 November at the Sevilla European Film Festival in Spain. The 23rd European Film Awards with the presentation of the winners will take place in Tallinn/Estonia on 4 December. -------------------- Tallinn and Berlin, 9 September 2010 Find this release also at:

Libertatea alimentelor / Food Freedom Masterclass

Unul dintre oamenii mei de suflet, cu care ma indentific de asemenea, este Vishen Lakhiani de la Mindvalley.  Fost om de marketing , care a ...